RFA Ethanol Podcast

Zeakal PhotoSeed Breakthrough Delivers Higher Energy Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

ZeaKal today announces its groundbreaking PhotoSeed™ technology in corn, designed to improve the crop’s oil and sustainability profile without compromising yield or protein.

In first year replicated field trials, PhotoSeed increased corn oil composition by an average of 23 percent. PhotoSeed enhances a plant’s photosynthetic capacity, capturing more CO2 and sunlight. This additional carbon capture increases oil production without taking away the energy necessary to maintain modern yields. Despite tremendous demand, previous efforts to boost oil content without compromising yield have eluded agribusinesses. ZeaKal now introduces the first viable solution.

ZeaKal’s PhotoSeed hybrid corn, grown in collaboration with the Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center in a glasshouse setting.

Han Chen, co-founder and CEO of ZeaKal, emphasized the imperative for accelerated innovation to meet the escalating demand for sustainable corn oil production. “This trait technology allows us to elevate the overall value of U.S. corn and creates a differentiated, value-added product that addresses industry demand,” said Chen. “U.S. farmers need innovation faster if we hope to compete in a challenging global commodity market. While we cannot change sunlight availability and geography for our growers, we can bring a latitude advantage to them through genetics.”

ZeaKal created the NewType model in 2022 to restore value across the soy supply chain. PhotoSeed corn follows that model’s success by expanding its partnership with Gro Alliance’s extensive germplasm collection, breeding program, and fully integrated seed production.

“Starting with the grower, our vision is to leverage trait technology and replicate our NewType model to ensure value creation and sharing across the entire supply chain,” said Chen.

PhotoSeed corn commercialization is expected in the 2027 growing season. For more information about ZeaKal and PhotoSeed technology, or to become part of the NewType model, visit zeakal.com.

Learn more in this interview with Chen:
Zeakal CEO Han Chen interview 10:55

AgWired Precision, Audio, Biofuels, Corn