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Agri-Pulse Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Cindy Zimmerman

This week’s Agri-Pulse 2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit was a good time to celebrate the news organization’s 20th anniversary of shining light on farm and food policy.

Twenty years ago, the concept of an all-digital, paid subscription publication was almost unheard of in agricultural publishing. Agri-Pulse Editor and Founder Sara Wyant believed it was not only possible, but represented the future for high-quality journalism. Thanks to so many subscribers, advertisers and sponsors who also believed in the firm’s commitment to balanced reporting and trusted insights, Agri-Pulse has grown into the largest media company devoted to covering farm and food policy in Washington, D.C. and across the country.

“It was clear to me that we could serve people in agriculture with information about what is happening in Washington, D.C., and other parts of the country, and they can make their own decisions on how to advocate,” said Wyant.

Since 2004, Agri-Pulse has grown from a single, weekly newsletter to a full-time staff from coast-to-coast, developing daily online content, audio newscasts and interviews, daily digests of aggregated news articles on agricultural and energy topics, frequent webinars and special issues podcasts, three annual in-person policy summits, and a weekly video news program.

Many who attended the Ag and Food Policy Summit Monday had well-wishes for Agri-Pulse celebrating two decades. “Sara, let me use a couple minutes you would have used to introduce me to acknowledge the great work that you and Agri-Pulse have done over the last 20 years,” said Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack at the Summit. “It’s really phenomenal.”

Chuck Zimmerman caught up with several other long time Agri-Pulse fans to get their comments, including former Congressman Collin Peterson; NASDA CEO Ted McKinney; former NRCS Chief Bruce Knight, Strategic Conservation Solutions; Mary Kay Thatcher, Syngenta; Daren Coppock, Ag Retailers; Tim Trotter, Edge Dairy Cooperative; Tara Smith, Torrey Advisory Group; and Curt Blades, AEM.

Listen to what they had to say:
Agri-Pulse 20th anniversary comments 11:25

Agri-Pulse 2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit Photo Album

Agri-Pulse, Audio