RFA Ethanol Podcast

Seed Industry Conference Starts Next Week

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association‘s newly-branded Field Crop Seed Convention kicks off its first year next week in Orlando. The convention will host seed industry professionals from over 30 countries for educational sessions, networking and the Seed Expo.

“We’re excited about it,” said ASTA president and CEO Andy LaVigne during an interview at the recent NAFB Trade Talk. “We’ve got good registration, it continues to increase, and we hope to have great numbers this year.”

LaVigne says the agenda will be similar to what it has been including the conference’s most popular speaker, Dan Basse of AgResource Company, who will keynote the opening General Session again on Wednesday with his annual update on the global agricultural market. Following the keynote, Basse will moderate a panel of top executives as they give their perspectives on what lies ahead for the seed business. Basse will be available for interviews in the media room after the conclusion of the panel.

Other key session topics include geopolitical impacts on growers, the Farm Bill, future trends, climate-smart and sustainability initiatives, and more. Get a preview in the interview below:

2023 NAFB Trade Talk - Andy LaVigne, ASTA 6:26

ASTA, Audio, NAFB, Seed