2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agri-Pulse Hosts Most Successful Summit Ever

Cindy Zimmerman

L-R: Spencer Chase, Phil Brasher, Bill Tomson, Andrew Huneke, Noah Wicks, Steve Davies, Sara Wyant, Al Johnson, Hannah Pagel, Paige Dye, Tom Davis, Jason Lutz, Lydia Johnson, Jacqui Fatka

Congratulations to the Agri-Pulse team for the most successful Ag and Food Policy Summit ever on Monday with the theme “Next Gen Farm & Food Policy.”

“It was a great day for attendance and we are so thankful for all of our sponsors who made it all possible,” said Sara Wyant, Agri-Pulse editor and founder. The team picture here represents the majority of the Agri-Pulse staff, but there are a few missing, like Jeff Nalley who was busy doing an interview while the photo was being taken, and Jesse Campbell, among the team members holding down the fort at home.

The agricultural policy news organization is heading into its 20th year and they have been holding an annual summit in conjunction with National Ag Day since 2012, with the exception of 2020.

In addition, Agri-Pulse holds a similar event in California focused on western grower concerns. The 2023 Agri-Pulse Food & Ag Issues Summit will be held June 5 in Sacramento and registration is open to attend either in person or virtually.

Listen to a wrap up with Wyant here.
Agri-Pulse summit wrap up interview with Sara Wyant (5:35)

2023 Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit Photo Album

Agri-Pulse, Audio