- AgriThority has developed a new association with DnA Advisory Services. With a focus on North America and Europe, the addition of the DnA Advisory team will deepen the AgriThority business and market development expertise and amplify services in Europe.
- The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) and Corteva Agriscience have extended the application deadline for the 2023 IFAJ/Corteva Master Class to December 31, 2022. The program brings together agricultural journalists and communicators from non-member countries for professional development, networking and leadership training in a unique Boot Camp that includes workshops and farm tours. Master Class participants—selected by an international panel of judges—will also attend the IFAJ World Congress in Olds, Alberta, Canada, from June 27 through July 3, 2023. Travel, accommodation and registration fees are paid through a grant from Corteva.
- Torrey Advisory Group (TAG) is proud to add Jacqueline Muhammad to the policy team as a director of government affairs. Jacqueline joins the firm with nearly a decade of experience specializing in agriculture and food policy, capacity building, and campaign management.
- Join us on February 23-24, 2023 at USDA’s largest annual gathering — the 2023 Agricultural Outlook Forum. With the theme “U.S. Agriculture: Seeds of Growth Through Innovation,” the Forum will focus on the role of innovation in driving agricultural growth while ensuring sustainability. More than 30 sessions and 100 agriculture leaders and subject matter experts will discuss key issues impacting the sector. Check out session details here.
- Alltech continues to partner in the Women in Food & Agriculture Mentorship Program. Applications are now open for new mentors of any gender and for female mentees from across the global food and agriculture sector. Now in its third year, the free-to-join program matches applicants based on their preferences, which can include gender of mentor, areas of expertise, language and industry sector, and offers opportunities for women in food and agriculture to develop meaningful industry connections.
- Dustin Johansen, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Solutions, Farm Journal, was re-elected chairman of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City at the group’s annual meeting held December 14. Ron Seeber, who serves as CEO Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association, Kansas Grain and Feed Association, and Renew Kansas Biofuels Association was re-elected vice chairman.
- MN AG EXPO returns in 2023 with a robust agenda that promises to bring lasting connections and conversations among the agriculture community. Minnesota’s premier indoor agriculture trade show is held Jan. 18-19, 2023, at the Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center in Mankato. The Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA), which co-sponsors MN AG EXPO, and MSGA are holding their annual meetings and finalizing 2023 policy resolutions on Wednesday, Jan. 18 and Thursday, Jan. 19, respectively.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has mailed the 2022 Census of Agriculture paper questionnaires to all known agriculture producers across the nation and Puerto Rico. Producers in the states also received their survey codes with an invitation to respond online. Any producer who did not respond online now has the option to complete the ag census at agcounts.usda.gov or by mail. Producers who have already responded to the 2022 Census of Agriculture online do not need to respond again. The deadline for response is Feb. 6, 2023.
- If you can’t make it to the American Farm Bureau Convention in person, there is a virtual option. Visit AnnualConvention.fb.org/Virtual for a full schedule of events included with a Virtual Only Registration for only $25.
- At the annual board of directors meeting in December, the United Sorghum Checkoff Program (USCP) swore in a new director, Zack Rendel of Miami, Oklahoma, who was appointed by U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. The board also elected officers, selecting Adam Schindler of Reliance, South Dakota, as its new chairman.
- Megan Waeltz of Marissa, Illinois, has been named the national winner of the 2023 GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. The theme of this year’s contest was “How can agricultural cooperatives stay relevant to future generations?” Waeltz is a student at Marissa High School and a member of the Marissa FFA Chapter. Her FFA advisor is Kim Portz. She will receive a $1000 award from GROWMARK, and the Marissa FFA will receive $750.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative are accepting applications for new members to serve on agricultural trade advisory committees. Members of the Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee provide advice to the administration on the implementation and enforcement of existing U.S. trade agreements, negotiation of new agreements, and other trade policy matters. Members of the six Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees, or ATACs, provide technical advice and guidance on international trade issues that affect specific agricultural commodity sectors. Application instructions are available at https://www.fas.usda.gov/trade-advisory-committees-applying-membership. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. ET on Jan. 31, 2023. Any applications received after the deadline will be considered for future appointments, as appropriate.