RFA Ethanol Podcast

AFBF Establishes 2023 Farm Bill Priorities

Cindy Zimmerman

American Farm Bureau Federation president Zippy Duvall today outlined the organization’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. The priorities were identified by a working group of Farm Bureau members and staff from across the country.

In general, AFBF supports continuing current farm bill program funding; maintaining a unified farm bill that includes nutrition programs and farm programs together; prioritizing risk management tools that include federal crop insurance and commodity programs; and ensuring adequate USDA staffing and resources to provide technical assistance.

The priorities include more than 60 recommendations over multiple titles of the farm bill including reference price increases for commodities, more transparency for milk checks, funding for conservation programs, rural development, and streamlining of nutrition programs to get food to those who need it most.

The AFBF board of directors voted unanimously to approve the recommendations. Final approval of policy priorities will be accomplished by a vote of delegates at the AFBF Convention in Puerto Rico in January 2023.

Listen to Duvall’s comments and press conference.
AFBF Farm Bill priorities 27:23

AFBF, Audio, Farm Bill, Farm Policy