- Corn, soybean, and cotton production is down from 2021, according to the Crop Production report issued by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Corn production is down 8% from last year, forecast at 13.9 billion bushels; soybean growers are expected to decrease their production 1% from 2021, forecast at 4.38 billion bushels; cotton production is down 21% from 2021 at 13.8 million 480-pound bales.
- Customers seeking cutting-edge biological seed treatment solutions will benefit from a global commercial and R&D collaboration announced between Syngenta Crop Protection’s Seedcare business and Bioceres Crop Solutions, a leader in biological crop productivity solutions.
- This week over 250 National Farmers Union members from across the country arrived in Washington, DC to advocate for family farmers. Over the course of the week, Farmers Union members attended hundreds of Congressional meetings, met with over a dozen federal agencies, and directly participated in discussions with Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan, Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission chair Rostin Behnam, among other leaders.
- The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council signed a Letter of Intent Thursday with the Taiwan Vegetable Oil Manufacturers Association, an agreement worth approximately $2 billion that will benefit the state’s nearly 28,000 soybean farmers.
- Mid America CropLife Association President Rodney Schmidt presented the Association’s most coveted award, the Dean Roy Achievement Award, to Doug Mertens, FMC, during its recent annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.
- Former House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson will be joining the lineup for the Ag Outlook Forum for a discussion with Blake Hurst, former Missouri Farm Bureau President, on the 2023 Farm Bill. Presented by the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and Agri-Pulse, the Ag Outlook Forum is scheduled for September 26 from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CDT at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown.
- FAPRI-MU’s 2022 Baseline Update for U.S. Agricultural Markets is now available on the FAPRI-MU website. This report provides an update of the 2022 FAPRI-MU long-term baseline to reflect information available in mid-August 2022.
- Kent Schescke, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), has announced his plans to retire in 2023 after almost 50 years of service to the agriculture, education, and scientific communities.
- The theme for the 2023 GROWMARK Essay Contest is: “How can ag cooperatives stay relevant to future generations?” The contest is open to all high school FFA members in the United States. Essays should be submitted online at www.bit.ly/GMKEssay2023. The deadline for all submissions is midnight Central time on October 28, 2022. Additional program details have been sent to agriculture teachers and are online at www.growmark.com.