RFA Ethanol Podcast

Precision Ag News 8/17

Carrie Muehling

  • AgGateway announced the opening of advance registration for the 2022 Annual Conference, November 14-16 at the Wyndham Clearwater Beach in Florida.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) welcomed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which will deliver $19.5 billion in new conservation funding to support climate-smart agriculture. This historic funding will bolster the new steps that USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced to improve opportunities for nutrient management.
  • The Soil Health Institute (SHI) announced its recommended measurements for assessing soil health. These recommendations answer the No. 1 question about soil health that farmers, ranchers, and their advisers have been asking since the soil health movement began. Based on these results, SHI recommends a minimal suite of three measurements to be widely applied across North America (and likely beyond). Those measurements include: 1) soil organic carbon concentration, 2) carbon mineralization potential, and 3) aggregate stability.
  • Bayer put its industry-leading offerings in crop protection, seeds & traits, and digital farming tools on display at its Fields of Opportunity Technology Showcase as the company continues to advance innovative products and services tailored toward the individual needs of growers around the globe. Following strong second quarter 2022 financial results, the event demonstrated Bayer’s latest developments in a unique portfolio of solutions and technologies expected to power sustainable growth in the years ahead.
  • Stine Seed Company is partnering once again with Peoples Company, a full-service farmland transaction and management business, on the Sustainability Cover Crop Initiative. The initiative, which is operated by Peoples Company, offers landowners a paid-in-full, managed cover crop program. Previously offered in five states, the initiative is expanding into 11 additional states for the 2022–2023 season, with the goal to plant cover crops on 25,000 acres over the next two years in the 16 eligible states.
  • South America continues to see increased demand for growth in agricultural innovation. To help accelerate more new innovations through product, market and business development, AgriThority® adds an experienced Product Development Agronomist based in Argentina.
  • To provide farmers with the latest information on the most effective practices in use today by top leaders in no-till and cover crops, Lessiter Media Inc. is publishing a new No-Till & Cover Crops Handbook under its grower division titles, No-Till Farmer and Cover Crop Strategies.
AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes, Precision Agriculture