- The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer dropped to its lowest level since April 2020, down 22 points in May to a reading of 99. Agricultural producers’ perceptions regarding current conditions on their farms, as well as their future expectations, both weakened this month. The Index of Current Conditions dipped 26 points to a reading of 94, and the Index of Future Expectations fell 21 points to a reading of 101. The Ag Economy Barometer is calculated each month from 400 U.S. agricultural producers’ responses to a telephone survey. This month’s survey was conducted May 16-20.
- The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Fields-of-Corn.com photo contest is now open and accepting entries for the 2022 contest. Since the beginning of the contest in 2014, nearly 3,000 pictures have been submitted across the various categories. This year a new category, Farm Babies, has been added.
- Heidi Crnkovic, a longtime agricultural communicator who has experience working with and for farmers and ranchers across the western United States, joins AGDAILY’s editorial team as Associate Editor.
- Save Citrus, a new coalition of citrus growers and industry partners, launched the first in a series of educational radio ads aimed at fellow growers. This ad focuses on a state-sponsored referendum on whether to continue the mechanism to tax growers to fund research that has proven ineffective.
- American Farmland Trust has named Andrew Bahrenburg as its new Deputy Policy Director, where he will play a critical role in preparing an organizational strategy to advance transformational agricultural policy at the state and federal level, including through the 2023 Farm Bill.
- More than 2,000 students are registered for the 2022 Washington Leadership Conference, the second-largest student experience that the National FFA Organization hosts each year.
- Firestone Ag, a business of Bridgestone Americas, will kick off its 2022 Rock the Crop Concert Sweepstakes with Nashville-based country artist Dillon Carmichael, in celebration of U.S. agriculture. American farmers and ranchers can enter the 2022 Rock the Crop concert sweepstakes from now until July 25 for a chance to win a private concert with Dillon Carmichael, tickets to an upcoming show and a signed vinyl record. View rules and enter at https://woobox.com/nkw3k2.
- American Agri-Women has named California 1st District Congressman Doug LaMalfa their 2022 Champion of Agriculture. AAW presented the award to LaMalfa at a recognition ceremony held recently in the House Agriculture Committee Chambers in Washington, D.C.
- To support the next generation of agricultural professionals, National Farmers Union Foundation (NFUF) announced the 2022 recipients of its annual scholarship awards. More information about the scholarships is available on the NFU website at nfu.org/education/scholarships.