- Koch Agronomic Services is the latest company to join SVG Ventures THRIVE Venture & Innovation Platform to focus on identifying and engaging with scalable solutions across the rapidly transforming crop nutrition ecosystem.
- A new tool available for the 2022 season, the KestrelMet™ 6000 AG Weather Station, provides farmers with a simple, cost-effective way to manage risk, create management timelines and achieve better irrigation efficiency.
- Clariant has launched DropForward™: a focused approach to providing precision application with adjuvants and co-formulants. Clariant offers customers Synergen DRT: the first solution to come out of its DropForward concept. Synergen DRT is the drift control agent and biological activator specifically for drones.
- A cornerstone of any effective weed control program is finding and treating bothersome weeds before they become established and spread. According to weed scientist Erin Hill, Ph.D., at Michigan State University, commercially available Android and iOS smartphone apps may put you on the right path. Hill tasked 16 teams of students learning plant identification skills in her weed science labs at Michigan State with comparing apps for accuracy. The results, now published on the Michigan State website, show the apps correctly identified anywhere from 11 to 67 percent of the photographed plants – or 25 to 80 percent when partially correct answers are included.
- Syngenta wants to help growers plan their 2022 National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Yield Contest entries by unlocking their fields’ full potential through the 2022 Find More Bushels program.
- The 2022 National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest is now open and includes new deadlines for entry and harvest forms submission deadlines. The new entry deadline for the 2022 Sorghum Yield Contest is October 15. Additionally, the 10-day waiting period between submission of the entry form and the harvest report is eliminated. Harvest reports will be made available to contest entrants beginning October 16 and must be received at the NSP office or postmarked no later than November 25.
- Two scientists have earned a place in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Science Hall of Fame for their pioneering and impactful research in human nutritional health and biobased product development. Lindsay H. Allen and Terry A. Isbell will be inducted in a virtual ceremony rather than a physical event due to ongoing COVID-19 safety precautions.
- Godsey Precision Ag began offering Pioneer Seed along with precise soil sampling and data management. The growing business then added variable-rate planting, fertilizer and irrigation, imagery, and on-farm research. Now the next step-change in service is a dealership agreement with Meristem Crop Performance, a fast-growing, high quality crop input provider.
- The AgCareers.com Talent Solutions Team is partnering with AgLaunch to amplify career connections in the Ag Technology sector. Together, they are laying the foundation for a collaboration focused on growing and promoting careers in the agtech field.
- Ag tractor and combine unit sales had their first decline since July 2021, according to the latest data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. U.S. total farm tractor sales fell 21.1 percent for the month of March compared to 2021, while U.S. self-propelled combine sales for the month dropped 10.2 percent to 343 units sold.
- World FIRA, the leading event in Ag Robotics, will launch FIRA USA in Fresno, Calif. Oct. 18-20, 2022 to provide autonomous systems and robots to California and North America growers. Jointly organized by the Global Organization For Agricultural Robotics (GOFAR), the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Western Growers Association and the Fresno-Merced Future of Food (F3) Initiative, FIRA USA 2022 will bring together specialty crop growers, robot manufacturers, industrials, academics, technologists, startups and investors for three days of problem-solving, decision making and planning.