2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Holland Methane Power Tractor Debuts

Cindy Zimmerman

New Holland Agriculture North America has announced the U.S. launch of the world’s first production T6 Methane Power tractor, which is making its public debut this week at the 2022 World Ag Expo in Tulare, California.

The T6 Methane Power tractor is a key element in New Holland’s Energy Independent Farm concept, closing the loop of a true circular economy, from fields to energy generation and back to fields, a complete CO2-neutral cycle. Farmers can grow energy crops and use agricultural waste to generate biomethane and power their T6 Methane Power tractor with this sustainable fuel to achieve near-zero CO2 emissions. Livestock and dairy farmers can take this virtuous cycle even further by producing biomethane from manure, which subtracts CO2 from the environment, resulting in a carbon-negative footprint. Farmers can also use the byproducts of bio digestion as natural fertilizers on their fields, orchards, or vineyards, closing the circular economy loop.

The launch of this tractor is the result of a multiyear development project to create and bring to market a tractor lineup that furthers the use of more sustainable fuel sources in U.S. agriculture. A concept tractor was developed several years ago and was on display at the 2017 Farm Progress Show when we talked with New Holland Brand President Carlo Lambro about the company’s pursuit of sustainable and efficient technology through innovation.

Listen to that interview here: 2017 ZimmCast with Carlo Lambro, New Holland

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Energy, Livestock, New Holland, Tractor