RFA Ethanol Podcast

Farm Journal Announces The Carbon Council

Cindy Zimmerman

Farm Journal has announced the formation of The Carbon Council, which includes eight farmers and ranchers who actively participate in and advocate for carbon-related programs.

Members of The Carbon Council include:

Rick Clark, Williamsport, Ind.
Meredith Ellis, Rosston, Texas
Lukas Fricke, Ulysses, Neb.
P.J. Haynie, Reedville, Va.
Trey Hill, Rock Hall, Md.
Mitchell Hora, Washington, Iowa
Kyle Mehmen, Plainfield, Iowa
Ben Riensche, Jessup, Iowa

“Farm Journal is committed to being an advocate for producers from grassroots efforts to top-down efforts in national and state policies,” said Charlene Finck, president of Farm Journal. “We’re proud to form this prestigious council that will provide knowledge in the carbon arena, practical and factual advocacy and a valuable sounding board.”

The group will include additional members to meet regularly and discuss the latest developments in the carbon space and Farm Journal will use their insights to guide coverage of carbon-related issues on its more than 20 media platforms including print, digital and broadcast.

Farm Journal’s commitment to informing agriculture audiences about carbon-related issues began in 2020 with the launch of the Carbon Innovation Center, which is hosted on AgWeb.com.

carbon, Farm Journal, Farming, Media