2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Anticipates ThryvOn Approval by 2023

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer’s ThryvOn™ technology cotton trait for control of tarnished plant bugs and thrips is getting closer to full regulatory approval.

“ThryvOn is industry’s first Bt trait that controls thrip species and tarnished plant bug species,” said Bayer Cotton Traits and Agronomic Systems Manager Tim Dabbert at last week’s Beltwide Cotton Conferences. “We’ve put it into cotton and we’re going to offer it pending regulatory approval in 2023.”

Dabbert says they have spent the past several years educating consultants and growers about the technology and how it works and there is a lot of excitement about it within the cotton industry.

Learn more in this interview:
BWCC22 Interview with Tim Dabbert, Bayer (5:36)

Audio, Bayer, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton