ASTA Chairs – Real and Virtual

Cindy Zimmerman

John Latham, Latham Seeds, will forever be known as the American Seed Trade Association‘s virtual chairman for the dubious honor of heading the organization during the year of COVID.

“It was weird,” said Latham. “We did everything on Zoom, I did a lot of video. I actually had a green screen set up in my living room and I got pretty good at it actually.”

Latham says the organization was still able to get things done, despite COVID.
Interview with past ASTA Chair John Latham, Latham Seeds (6:20)

Now that COVID is somewhat less disruptive and the world is returning to some semblance of reality, Brad May with BASF is the ASTA chair. “We’re coming out of virtual and people are getting back together!” said May, who has been working on ASTA’s new rebranded summer meeting to debut in 2022.

May says the ASTA Leadership Summit will be held in Indianapolis next June.

Interview with ASTA Chair Brad May, BASF (6:24)

ASTA, Audio, BASF, Seed