2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The VISION Conference 2022 Preview

Cindy Zimmerman

The way we produce and supply food around the world is changing fast and the voices driving this change are gathering at The 2022 VISION Conference, January 18 -19, at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa in Arizona. The conference is now in its fifth year and the world of data and technology has grown rapidly since VISION last convened in 2020.

“The development and adoption of regenerative agriculture practices, responsive to consumer and societal demand, are accelerating. New capabilities to aggregate and curate data to create a ‘proof of practice’ for cropping systems to document stewardship, regenerative practices, carbon capture and more offer great promise. Autonomous equipment, along with expansion of rural broadband and power of handheld devices, will accelerate real progress,” says Eric Davis, Managing Director. “The 2022 VISION Conference provides an in-person forum to connect and engage with the innovators leading these industry advancements.

Consumers are driving food trends, and manufacturers are responding with new best practices, technologies, and production systems. “A couple years ago, the industry was focused on technologies that could be deployed to boost efficiencies within ag production. Today, the landscape has expanded significantly as agribusiness has moved into the mainstream media and new voices now have a direct impact. The entire food value chain needs to be responsive, integrating new systems and capabilities, to meet heightened consumer expectations,” says Richard Jones, Meister Media Worldwide Corporate Content Director and VISION Conference Chair.

Consumers want to know how their food was grown, tracking it from farm to fork. Major food retailers implementing technologies to meet these demands on quality assurance and traceability now require agribusiness to have the new capabilities to meet and prove they are compliant with these new, high standards. “Eyes are on the agribusiness industry now more than ever, and the 2022 VISION Conference will address this whole new world with an expanded perspective, from crop production to the consumer,” Jones says.

Learn more about the conference from Davis and Jones in the preview interview below, and register at TheVisionConference.com/Register.

2022 VISION Conference preview 13:28

Agribusiness, Audio, Events, Media