Syngenta Seeds Helps Farmers Address Challenges

Cindy Zimmerman

Increased corn rootworm pressure is being seen around the Midwest this year but hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait have proven effective in limiting the impact of the pests. Syngenta Seeds recently announced results from a field study on the effects of corn rootworm (CRW), In July, the Syngenta Seeds agronomy team conducted a series of root digs across Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois to inspect traited hybrids that were planted in the spring.

The average root injury score of the untreated check was 1.5 nodes damaged (higher root scores indicate more corn rootworm damage). Using that same scale, the Agrisure Duracade-traited plants had 0.35 node damaged. Qrome®, SmartStax® and Agrisure Duracade trait stacks rated similarly across locations.

At the Farm Progress Show last month, Syngenta Seeds Head of Marketing Eric Boeck discussed challenges facing growers and how Syngenta Seeds is addressing them, including CRW. He also spoke about Syngenta Artesian which is helping drive yield in drought conditions in the west.

FPS21 Interview with Eric Boeck, Syngenta Seeds (6:41)

2021 Farm Progress Show Virtual Newsroom

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta