RFA Ethanol Podcast

Day Two of the 2021 Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

2021 Farm Progress ShowHello from Decatur, IL and the second day of the Farm Progress Show. It’s another beautiful day with some cooler temperatures and lots of excitement in the air.

The Golden ZimmComm Microphone got off to a great start yesterday with the current president of the National Corn Growers Association, John Linder, a farmer from Ohio. Linder and other association leaders stopped by the media tent to talk with reporters as the show was getting underway.

There is no shortage of important topics for corn growers right now, like ethanol and WOTUS, for example. But Linder also had some good news to share like the great strides corn growers are making in sustainability.

FPS21 Interview with NCGA president John Linder (6:34)

2021 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, NCGA