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Pro Farmer Estimates Top USDA Forecasts

Chuck Zimmerman

Pro Farmer Crop Tour 2021Prior to this week’s Farm Journal Field Days, Pro Farmer, a division of Farm Journal, conducted it’s 29th annual Pro Farmer Crop Tour. To learn about the results I spoke with Brian Grete, Pro Farmer, about the data they collected across seven key midwestern states for corn and soybeans. You can listen in here.

Interview with Brian Grete, Pro Farmer – Summary of 29th Pro Farmer Crop Tour
Interview with Brian Grete (6:33)

Here are some estimates:

Corn: Pro Farmer estimates the 2021 U.S. corn crop at 15.116 billion bu. based on an average yield of 177 bu. per acre. That would be up from USDA’s August estimate of 174.6 bu. per acre.

“Areas east of the Mississippi River are pacing to have very strong yields based on what we saw during Crop Tour,” said Pro Farmer’s Brian Grete. “The drier and drought-stricken areas to the west still have a lot of potential if they receive additional moisture in the coming weeks.”

Soybeans: Pro Farmer estimates the 2021 U.S. soybean crop at 4.436 billion bu. with a national average yield of 51.2 bu. per acre, up from the 50 bu. per acre USDA estimated Aug.12.

“From what I’ve seen, the soybean pod counts have been pretty rock solid so far,” said Grete. “On some of the soybeans, I would say we’re still measuring yield potential because they still need to plump up and if they get rains to plump up those pods, the yield is going to rise.”

The Pro Farmer Crop Tour, which informs the Pro Farmer national yield estimates, concluded successfully Thursday. The Tour was carried out by a dedicated group of crop scouts that sampled more than 3,300 fields across seven key Midwest states, a record number of samples in the Crop Tour’s 29-year history. For additional information on the 2021 Crop Tour go to and

You can find more interviews I’ve conducted with Farm Journal Field Days participants on AgNewsWire here.

Audio, Corn, Farm Journal, Soybean