RFA Ethanol Podcast

Tech Hub Live is Latest Meister Media Event

Cindy Zimmerman

Meister Media Worldwide has been serving agricultural markets around the world since 1932, and while the company was built upon an impressive array of farm-focused magazines, the event side of the business continues to grow in importance.

The recent Tech Hub LIVE conference in Des Moines is the latest edition to the Meister Media family of events says Chairman and CEO Gary Fitzgerald. “We’ve been serving the ag tech or precision space since its earliest days in the ’80s, early ’90s,” said Fitzgerald. “Since then, there has just been an explosion of new technologies, systems, and platforms and it became apparent that a new, more innovative, forward-looking event that covered the entire ecosystem” was needed to bring together a wider segment of the industry.

Fitzgerald was very pleased with the response for the first ever Tech Hub LIVE in July and looks forward to growing the event. “It represented the many different voices necessary to make a new inaugural event the success that it is, so we’re very excited about building for year two and beyond.”

He notes that Tech Hub LIVE, which focuses on the immediate future for ag technology, complements the PrecisionAg Vision Conference, which is normally held in January but had to be cancelled for this year. “But it is coming back January of 2022 in Phoenix and that’s an event that looks 3-5 years down the road.”

Learn more in this interview from Tech Hub LIVE>
Tech Hub Live interview with Gary Fitzgerald, Meister Media Worldwide (6:50)

2021 Tech Hub LIVE Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Media, Tech Hub LIVE, Technology