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Professional Development Webinars for Ag Journalists

Chuck Zimmerman

AAEA & LPC WebinarThis is not a new thing. However, for members of the AAEA, the Ag Communicators Network and LPC, the Livestock Publications Council, the frequency and diversity of topics has grown. I participated in yesterday’s Leading with Focus webinar that featured, Beth Z, Your Nerdy Best Friend (pictured). It was all about leading your team to be more efficient and effective with their time, instead of being stuck in front of a monitor on never-ending video conferences.

I learned a lot from the presentation and the agnerd in me was most interested is a variety of computer and mobile applications that would be very helpful to anyone. If you are a member of one of these organizations and missed it, or previous webinars, you can find them online and on-demand.

Just a couple of interesting apps mentioned include:

Have I Been Pwned? – You might be surprised where your email address has been included in data breaches – Record short videos to put on your calendar and share with other people.

ACN, LPC, Media