2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beltwide Cotton Conference Shares Weed Management Research

Carrie Muehling

New weed science research from the University of Georgia (UGA) was on the agenda at the 2021 virtual Beltwide Cotton Conference.

“We must reduce the selection pressure that’s being placed upon these herbicides in order to preserve our ability to use this technology,” said Taylor Randell, UGA Weed Science student, who presented the research in response to the evolution of herbicide resistance and the ongoing threat to the sustainability of cotton production.

Randell shared with participants that integrated weed management strategies like the use of cover crops, pre-emergent and residual herbicides, herbicide tank mixtures, and timely post-emergence applications can reduce selection pressure being placed upon any one control measure, therefore delaying the spread of herbicide resistance. The study aimed to quantify any reduction in selection pressure through a combination of these strategies.

2021 Beltwide Interview with Taylor Randell, UGA 6:40

Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton, weed management