RFA Ethanol Podcast

Rosy Outlook for Seed Industry From Dan Basse

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) CSS and Seed Expo has seen a number of changes over the years, but Dan Basse of AgResource Company has given his annual agricultural outlook at the event since 2013, and he was there once again this year in the virtual world.

Basse is bullish on agriculture for the year ahead. “In my 40 years I’ve never seen a change as dramatic as we had in August and September in which we lost crops from a flash drought in the central U.S. and then we had this demonstrative Chinese demand that was pent up because of years of trade war,” he said. “We’re optimistic, we think the Chinese need to put on a happy face for the Biden administration.”

In this interview, Basse summarizes some of his main points in the agricultural outlook. If you missed his presentation on the ASTA CSS Main Stage, it will be available on demand for registrants – and yes, indeed, you can still register and get access to all the great content at this year’s virtual event.
ASTA Interview with Dan Basse, AgResource (11:45)

Find more content from ASTA CSS here:
2020 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo Virtual Newsroom

Ag Economics, ASTA, Audio, Seed