RFA Ethanol Podcast

ASTA CSS and Seed Expo Offers Future Outlook

Cindy Zimmerman

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) Chair John Latham with Latham Hi-Tech Seeds kicked off the virtual 2020 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo Monday with nearly 1000 attendees from around the world registered to participate.

“This virtual format has been great,” said Latham. “I think we really hit it out of the park this week.”

Latham talks about how the industry faced the challenges of 2020 and what priorities are for 2021 in this interview.
ASTA Interview with Chair John Latham (6:58)

ASTA hit the ground running Monday morning with the “Majors Crystal Ball” featuring a panel of speakers from the industry’s largest companies, each presenting their company’s perspective on what lies ahead for the seed industry after a year of upheaval for the entire world. The panelists included Linda Trolinder of BASF, Michael Graham with Bayer, Neal Gutterson with Corteva Agriscience, Trevor Hohls of Syngenta.

After this year, predicting the future is less accurate than ever before, but the major seed company players took a stab at it. As Linda Trolinder with BASF said, “The most clever way to predict the future is to create it yourself.”

Here are a couple of the Majors’ comments from the session
ASTA CSS Majors' Crystal Ball sound bites (7:21)

Register here to see the whole session.

Find more content from ASTA CSS here:
2020 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo Virtual Newsroom

ASTA, Audio, Seed