send news release today

Seed Industry Met Challenges of 2020

Cindy Zimmerman

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) President and CEO Andy LaVigne says the seed industry was able to adapt quickly to meet the challenges of 2020 and they are moving forward with new tools to reach out in new ways.

“While we had a lot of adversity there, a lot of opportunity raised its head and I think we’ve seen some really positive changes,” said LaVigne in an interview for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB). He says going virtual has helped many seed companies reach customers in a whole new way.

ASTA has already successfully held two of its four annual meetings virtually, and two more are just around the corner – the CSS & Seed Expo December 7-9, and the Vegetable and Flower Seed Conference February 1-3.

LaVigne talks about the upcoming virtual meetings, as well as challenges and opportunities for the seed industry in this interview.
2020 NAFB Interview with Andy LaVigne, ASTA CEO (7:04)

ASTA, Audio, NAFB, Seed