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EPA Administrator Wheeler Visits Ohio Farm

Cindy Zimmerman

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler kicked off a swing through northeast Ohio Tuesday which included attending an Ohio Farm Bureau event on a dairy farm in Stark County where he highlighted EPA’s commitment to working with Ohio’s farmers on a number of environmental issues.

During the event, Administrator Wheeler delivered remarks to a group of farmers highlighting President Trump’s commitment to the agriculture community, and the Trump EPA’s efforts to strengthen partnerships with farmers and rebuild trust with rural America. Additionally, Administrator Wheeler discussed EPA’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR) that replaced the overreaching Obama Administration’s Waters of the United States rule that lacked clarity. He reiterated that NWPR provides clarity on waters that are federally regulated, specifically noting they no longer include farm ditches or stock water ponds.

Administrator Wheeler also touted how EPA is ensuring crop protection tools are made available for the agriculture community. For example, following the 9th Circuit of Appeals decision in June that threatened to upend the growing season for many farmers, the Trump Administration fought to ensure farmers were able to use already-purchased dicamba.

Listen to Wheeler’s press gaggle in Ohio here:
EPA Admin Andrew Wheeler in Ohio 4:42

Audio, EPA