2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agri-Pulse Hosts Infrastructure Conversation

Cindy Zimmerman

The United States exported 52 percent of its soybean crop in 2019, nearly 1.9 million bushels, so it is critical for producers to have a transportation system that delivers cost effective, reliable, and competitive service.

Agri-Pulse editor and publisher Sara Wyant hosted a timely discussion Thursday on transportation infrastructure with American Soybean Association Director of Government Affairs Alexa Combelic and Soy Transportation Coalition Executive Director Mike Steenhoek. Among the issues they discussed were WRDA legislation and the Waterway Trust Fund cost-share ratio, benefits of dredging, and how every aspect of the export supply chain benefits when products can move along our waterways.

Listen to the discussion below, or click to watch it:
Agri-Pulse ASA/USB Infrastructure Webinar (58:02)

Agri-Pulse, ASA, Audio, Soybean, transportation, USB