RFA Ethanol Podcast

MACA Honors Margy Eckelkamp

Cindy Zimmerman

The Mid America CropLife Association (MACA) honored one of our favorite agricultural journalists at its recent virtual annual meeting.

The Ruth White Media Award is presented to an individual who’s demonstrated an evidence of consistent, objective, and accurate reporting on American agriculture and the myriad of issues involved in modern agriculture, including the CropLife industry. This year’s winner is Margy Eckelkamp, Editor of The Scoop, a part of Farm Journal Inc.

Margy is a multimedia journalist who provides the agricultural industry with leading service journalism. Since 2006, Margy has reported on machinery, agronomy, and technology for Farm Journal. Eckelkamp works to bring the foremost in industry news to the public through multiple channels including print, digital and broadcast such as her periodic features on AgriTalk. When launching a product to the market, Margy has made it a priority to ‘get ahead’ of her competition with the lead story. She’s objective and does accurate reporting, yet provides important and useful information.

Eckelkamp is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia with a BS in Agriculture Journalism and one of AgWired’s very first interns way back in 2006!
