2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmobile Announces Farmobile Index for Harvest

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural data company Farmobile LLC today announced the release of the Farmobile Index for Harvest — a crop progress and benchmarking tool that provides daily, state-level crop insights as corn and soybeans are harvested. Users can view total aggregated harvested acres/yield for an individual state or a group of states and chosen date ranges.

Uniquely crowd-sourced by and for the farmers, who use the Farmobile PUC™ device to collect real-time field and fleet data, the Farmobile Index for Harvest also allows users to compare results against USDA-NASS estimates. All Farmobile subscribers have exclusive, immediate and free access to this data tool. Earlier this spring, the Farmobile Index for Planting was released following a full year of 2019 farmer-testing. The Farmobile Index, now available for both harvest and planting seasons, enables all farmer-users to obtain a holistic view of the crop year.

According to Farmobile CEO Jason Tatge, tools like the Farmobile Index are fueled by collecting ground-truthed, organized, top quality, real-time data to power decision making.

“Unlike other means of evaluating crop yield — such as satellite imagery, rainfall, temperature maps, surveys, and public data — the Farmobile Index updates in real-time to uncover insights the rest of the marketplace may not realize for weeks,” said Tatge. “When paired with the Farmobile Index for Planting, released this spring, the harvest functionality ultimately brings the power back to the farmer as they head into the harvest season. It’s not a best-guess. It’s the truth about yield as it happens, and it’s the edge that farmers deserve to make the strategic decisions today that define their future profit.”

As always, the privacy and security of farmers is paramount to Farmobile. Only data totals, aggregated at the state-level, are used for Farmobile Index insights. No identifiable farm data or individual Electronic Field Records are shared. Users’ control over their data is strictly protected by Farmobile’s data privacy and permissioning protocol. The Farmobile Index was created to benefit subscribers by providing “first-to-know” insights. Results are not intended for public use.

The Farmobile Index for Harvest (and Planting) is available to Farmobile subscribers via the Farmobile DataEngine platform. Farmobile anticipates harvest data to be available online for subscribers in mid September (contingent on harvest conditions).

AgWired Precision, data, Farming, Harvest, Precision Agriculture