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Precision Ag News 4/8

Carrie Muehling

  • Pat Holloway, a field agronomist with Beck’s Hybrids in Iowa, is big on planning, especially when it comes to planting corn. As he says, “you get one shot to get it right.” And while planting a crop is far more complicated than non-farmers know, COVID-19 has provided another layer of complexity in 2020. National Corn Growers Association is committed to keeping you informed, safe and healthy, so we’re passing along best practices as we move through the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.
  • LCS Trigger has the attention of Northern Plains wheat farmers after back-to-back National Wheat Yield Contest wins in 2018 and 2019. In 2019, the hard red spring wheat variety placed in both the High Yield and the Percent Increase Over County Average categories.
  • Forming the training arm of New Ag International, New AG International Academy’s vision is to advance the knowledge and competencies of professionals working in agriculture with conference workshops, digital academies and customized onsite training. To launch the new arm of the business, Informa Connect is offering a ‘Business Innovation and Market Strategy’ series.
  • Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. announced that Pacesetter™, a recently approved bio-based plant health product, is now available to corn, soybean and wheat growers in the United States.
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