RFA Ethanol Podcast

Precision Ag Bytes 1/15

Carrie Muehling

  • Ceres Imaging announced the close of a record-breaking fiscal year that included new partnerships and research, industry recognition, key hires, and the launch of transformational new products.
  • Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. announced that its novel, patented Bacillus biofungicide, Stargus®, has been fully reviewed by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and approved for immediate use by growers in California on several crops, including grapes, leafy greens, brassicas, strawberries, cucurbits and fruiting vegetables.
  • In response to an overwhelming demand for regenerative agriculture education and consulting services, Understanding Ag, LLC, announced the appointment of Walter Lynn, Jr. as its Chief Executive Officer.
  • In recognition of January 2020 as National Biotechnology Month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency launched a Unified Website for Biotechnology Regulation. The Website streamlines information about the three regulatory agencies charged with overseeing agriculture biotechnology products and is part President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products.
  • Farmers Business Network announced the launch of HedgeCommand, a grain marketing system that uses data science and economic analysis to generate truly personalized pricing recommendations for members.
  • Lewis & Clark AgriFood, a St. Louis based food and agriculture focused investment firm, announced an investment from their AgriFood and RBIC Funds in Bushel, Inc., headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota.
  • Colorado agricultural retailer Agfinity has joined the rapidly expanding CommoditAg online farm products network.
  • The recently formed biological joint venture, Plant Response, is acquiring applied microbial science company Pathway BioLogic to expand its portfolio of biological products for the agricultural industry.
AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes