RFA Ethanol Podcast

Yoho: Improving the Farm Labor Shortage

Carrie Muehling

Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida’s 3rd District was at the 2020 Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference, talking about guest worker legislation.

“This is a bill that will solve a problem for illegal immigration in this country on the lower skilled tiers,” said Yoho. “We give opportunity for people before they come into the country to apply to this program. They can be a 10-month seasonal worker, or they can apply for the five-year program. It will bring certainty and predictability to the ag labor for our producers that they need with so many variables in agriculture already. This is a common sense reform.”

Yoho said there is a shortage in farm labor and that creates unpredictability for farmers who rely on that labor. He said this bill would provide for those producers and also give an opportunity for workers to come here in a legal way. Yoho also talked about trade, and explained why he is against the United-States-Mexica-Canda Agreement (USMCA) in its current form.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Congressman Yoho here: Interview with Congressman Ted Yoho, Florida

2020 Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference Photo Album

Audio, labor, politics, Vegetables