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AgLink International Announced at ARA Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

The formation of new agribusiness entity AgLink International was announced this week at the 2019 ARA Conference in New Orleans, uniting independent rural retailer membership businesses from Australia, the United States, Canada and Brazil.

Founding members AgLink Australia, Integrated Agribusiness Professionals (IAP), AgLink Canada and AgriRede have come together to provide an international platform that links independent agricultural retailers serving farmers, according to AgLink Australia CEO Ian Scutt. “Our goal is to define and champion the position of Independents as a powerful and strategic segment of the global agribusiness economy,” said Scutt.

Collectively, AgLink International represents a total annual revenue of US$3.8 billion. The 112 owner shareholder businesses employ more than 7,700 people – 1,860 of which are agronomist and sales representatives – at over 660 locations in four countries.

Joining Scutt in making the announcement this week at ARA were Dean Fahselt, CEO AgLink Canada; Jim Fargo, president of US-based IAP; and Rogerio Cabral, international relations director of AgriRede in Brazil; as well as other representatives from all companies. Listen to interviews with some of the stakeholders here:

ARA19 Interview with Ian Scutt, CEO, AgLink Australia (5:57)

ARA19 Interview with Jim Fargo, president, IAP (5:34)

ARA19 Interview with Dennis Bulani, AgLink Canada (2:02)

2019 ARA Convention and Expo

Agribusiness, ARA, Audio