Past and Current Ag Secretaries Support USMCA

Cindy Zimmerman

All former U.S. Secretaries of Agriculture since President Reagan’s Administration this week announced their support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

In a letter to Congressional leaders, former Secretaries John Block (Reagan), Mike Espy (Clinton), Dan Glickman (Clinton), Ann Veneman (W. Bush), Mike Johanns (W. Bush), Ed Shafer (W. Bush), and Tom Vilsack (Obama) underscored the importance of passing USMCA saying, “We need a strong and reliable trade deal with our top two customers for U.S. agriculture products. USMCA will provide certainty in the North American market for the U.S. farm sector and rural economy. We strongly support ratification of USMCA.”

Former Secretaries Vilsack, Glickman, and Block joined Secretary Perdue at USDA for a press conference to talk about their support for USMCA. Watch the press conference by visiting the USDA Facebook page and download the audio here:
USDA Secretaries support USMCA

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Exports, Trade, USDA