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Get to Know IntelliFarms

Carrie Muehling

Driving profitability back to growers is the name of the game for IntelliFarms, a technology company offering a platform to help growers make better decisions on a daily basis.

While farmers are often looking at ways to increase yield or increase acres, IntelliFarms can help them to become more profitable with what they already have within their operation.

“One of the things we can provide is with the acres that you have, if you are able to make better decisions and farm smarter, you can be more profitable with what you do have,” said Brett Andricks, Vice President of Strategic Division.

That could include matching growers up with processor who offer premiums for specific products, or helping them to transition into growing varieties that might pay more. Andricks said helping farmers to prove traceability and sustainability from seed to market can often improve profitability, and the company offers that through the SureTrack PRO platform. He said IntelliFarms works in nearly every state as well as eight countries, currently managing and marketing more than 80 different crops. Andricks was at the 2019 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Brett here: Interview with Brett Andricks, IntelliFarms

2019 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Progress Show