RFA Ethanol Podcast

FieldView Data Drives Better Decisions

Carrie Muehling

Bayer is working to help farmers make better decisions using data with the FieldView platform.

“Farmers today have got tremendous amounts of information whether it’s about what they planted, what they sprayed, the yield that they received and many other aspects of that field and/or the environment,” said John Raines, Global Commercial Lead for The Climate Corporation. “We want to help bring that information together and analyze it to bring back to the farmer information or insights that will help them drive yield or productivity or limit their risk.”

Raines said farmers are adopting data driven technology rapidly, and proprietary algorithms can help them to bring information together and solve problems based on the results. Raines encouraged farmers to get connected with FieldView in order to take advantage of things like seed advisor services, as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with John here: Interview with John Raines, The Climate Corporation, Bayer

Bayer at 2019 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show