2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Media Summit Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

Ag Media Summit is the annual awards extravaganza for LPC and AAEA.

AAEA, The Agricultural Communicators Network, handed out communications awards for writing, design, mar-com, photography, digital and social media, in addition to the Lifetime Achievement and Andy Markwart Horizon awards. Jim Patrico and Jo Ann Alumbaugh were honored for their career achievements, and Cassie Yontz with Charleston-Orwig received the horizon award.

Click for a list of all AAEA winners in all categories.

The Livestock Publications Council (LPC) honored its members’ outstanding work and accomplishments as well. Among this year’s LPC honorees was retiring Lyle Orwig, who received the Headliner Award; Todd Domer was inducted into the LPC Hall of Fame, and Cal-Poly professor Scott Vernon received the Distinguished Service Award.

Click here for a list of all LPC winners.

Students and interns were also honored at the event, including the LPC Forrest Bassford award, sponsored by Alltech. The winner this year was Jessica Wesson from the University of Arkansas who received a $2,000 scholarship.

If you go through the photo album you will find plenty of pictures of award winners.

2019 AMS/IFAJ Congress Photo Album

ACN, Ag Media Summit, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, LPC