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FMC Looks Toward 2019 Season with Lucento

Carrie Muehling

Those attending the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville learned more about FMC‘s Lucento fungicide from Technical Support Representative Nick Hustedde. The product received federal registration in December 2018 and is labeled for corn, soybeans, wheat, sugar beets and peanuts. Hustedde said Lucento is consistent across disease cycles and also helps to practice resistance management.

“One thing we have to think about is that where we had pressure this past season, that inoculant is going to be around for probably two years, so certainly as we’re making our disease plans, we’ve got to factor that into this scenario,” said Hustedde.

Hustedde said Lucento has shown great success in the fight against grey leaf spot and tar spot in corn, as well as frog eye leaf spot in soybeans.

“This year in a lot of areas we did have a delayed harvest,” said Hustedde. “When you have those mature plants that are standing and you get continual fall moisture, it opens the door to a lot of fungal pathogens, as well as kind of continues the cycle for maybe frog eye leaf spot.”

He said the product offers great residual benefits and is also mobile within the plant.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Nick Hustedde here: Interview with Nick Hustedde, FMC

2019 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Audio, FMC, Fungicide, National Farm Machinery Show, Video