RFA Ethanol Podcast

DigestData Launched for Bio-based Start-ups

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has joined with Biofuels Digest to create and launch DigestData, an online database to help facilitate networking and the transfer of information between interested parties working in the bio-based industry. NCGA’s sponsorship provides DigestData users with free access to search research and pilot scale facilities along with facility details such as certifications, available equipment, and primary contact information.

“The goal was to bring more visibility to these facilities and projects in the United States,” said Feed, Food and Industrial Action Team Chair Dan Wesely. “We want companies to recognize the number of facilities that are located right here in the Midwest, close to the untapped potential that corn can provide as a feedstock. DigestData provides a service that NCGA believes will help facilitate networking and communication across the bio-based materials industry.”

DigestData includes a messaging platform, allowing outreach to occur directly between interested parties within the online platform. The database will continue to evolve as new facilities and projects are added, or existing entries are updated in real-time at the request of their respective owners. There’s also a search by keyword function to help users quickly find information of interest.

AgWired Precision, Corn, NCGA