RFA Ethanol Podcast

Seed Treatment Tour at #ASTACSS

Chuck Zimmerman

A new feature this year at the ASTA CSS & Seed Expo was a Seed Treatment Education Tour in the expo. Groups of attendees visited ten different booths in rotation where they heard a ten minute presentation from each company.

I caught one of the groups in the Bayer booth. Doing the presentation is Greg Ginisty, SeedGrowth Product Manager. You can listen in to his presentation in the video below.

You can also learn more about Bayer SeedGrowth in this interview – Interview with Greg Ginisty, Bayer

See and hear all about the new Bayer at ASTA CSS and Seed Expo on AgNewsWire –
Bayer at 2018 CSS and Seed Expo virtual newsroom

2018 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo photo album

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Seed, Video