2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ACT Students Learn at #NAFB18

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2018 NAFB Convention Cindy and I had the opportunity to talk to the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) who were also in Kansas City for their Professional Development Conference. Our mission was to talk to the group (about 80 ag communications students from more than 10 different universities) about agricultural journalism, where it has been, and where it is headed.

I’m sure we brought up some things that these students would not recognize or understand in today’s world of smart phones and the internet, like the technology we used at the beginning of our careers. Think about using a razor blade to cut reel-to-reel audio tape to edit or a typewriter for copy.

During the Q&A they had great questions which included ones about doing freelance work and how to find it. Part of the purpose of their trip to the NAFB Convention was to network with professionals and perhaps make those connections that would lead to a job after college.

After we were finished with the session I spoke with the college advisor/organizer Dr. Katherine Burke, K-State and senior student at K-State, Leah Geiss. Leah says the group had time to do some networking with farm broadcasters and others at the NAFB convention during Trade Talk and other sessions. She was surprised at the diversity of company types at the convention that included many agribusiness marketing and communication representatives besides the farm broadcasters themselves.

By the way, ACT had sponsors for their PDC trip like the Pork Checkoff but could still use more support for their activities. If you would like to help them out here’s where to go to get more information.

Listen to our interview here: Interview with Dr. Katie Burke and Leah Geiss, K-State

Special thanks to Wyatt Minihan, one of the ACT student members, who took our photo and others for us during Trade Talk!

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

Coverage of the NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the NAFB Convention is sponsored by FMC
Audio, Education, NAFB, University