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2019 Soil Health Summit Open to Public

Cindy Zimmerman

For the first time, the Soil Health Partnership (SHP) is opening up the annual Soil Health Summit in 2019 and encouraging all growers and agronomists to attend. The event will be held January 15-16, 2019 in St. Louis.

The farmer-led soil management project has been involved in a long-term data collection effort to measure the on-farm economic and environmental impact of practices known to improve soil health and sustainability, such as reducing tillage, growing cover crops and practicing advanced nutrient management.

“This is the first year where we have a statistically significant number of farms, more than 80, with year-over-year data to compare,” said Shefali Mehta, SHP executive director. “This Summit will mark the first time we can truly share insights on how the fields are changing over time. We are eager to share this with our partners and attendees.”

In its 5th year, the 2019 event will take place at the Hyatt Regency—St. Louis at the Arch. Registration is open from the Soil Health Summit website with a fee for the two-day event of only $100 for farmers and educators. The cost for other attendees is $250. This registration fee includes the event meals, all sessions, and a reception. A few select exhibitors will also have educational booths.

AgWired Precision, Soil, Soil Health Partnership