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BASF Living Acres Program Increases Monarch Habitat

Carrie Muehling

BASF is helping to increase the monarch population with its Living Acres program.

“Living Acres is our biodiversity program that focuses in on monarch habitat,” explained Chip Shilling, sustainability strategy manager. “For that you need milkweed, so we’re really encouraging farmers and farm families to think about places that are outside of their field boundaries where they can plant milkweed or protect milkweed that they may already have.”

Shilling said two years ago, 500 farmers signed up for the program. Last year, they signed up more than 1,000 additional farms. To date, BASF has shipped out more than 50,000 milkweed plants to golf courses and farms. Those interested in participating in the BASF Living Acres program can sign up at or look for the Living Acres display at a variety of farm shows around the country. Shilling was at the Ag Media Summit in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Listen to Cindy’s interview with Chip Shilling here: Interview with Chip Shilling, BASF

2018 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, pollinators