2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Do You Schedule Posts

Chuck Zimmerman

I remember when we used the word, “post,” it meant on your blog.  Today that means anything you publish on your blog or any social networking channel.  I do miss the days when I only had to post on AgWired.com!  Now I have to include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.  And, no, I do not use all of them regularly, especially Instagram or LinkedIn.

So, if there is indeed a simple user interface to allow me to post on all of them, to schedule posts in advance or to re-post, I’m interested in the name of efficiency.  There are a variety of services now that let you do just that.  At ZimmComm we’re looking into Coschedule, which I’m using to create and schedule this post on AgWired.

So, while I’m testing I thought I’d ask the community if you schedule.  Do you use Coschedule or another service like Sprout Social?  If you do schedule posts, why? Does it help you with time management? Does your service provide relevant analytics to determine performance and value?  I’m interested in all those things.  That’s just the way AgNerds are after all.

Social Media