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IFAJ International Education Opportunity

Chuck Zimmerman

Hey ag journalists. Here’s an opportunity from the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists: Field days in Turkey.

Originating in Germany, the Field Days provide a hands-on insight into crop production – novel varieties, new production techniques, plant protection, live machinery demonstrations, research in action – with participation from a range of exhibitors. The objective is to provide farmers and advisers with valuable decision-making information.

The German organisation DLG (which is responsible for Agritechnica) is extending a limited number of invitations to IFAJ members on a first come first served basis to participate in its Field Days in Turkey this year. The event is being held 120km from Istanbul in Luleburgaz-Turkey from May 9-12, 2018. The organisers will cover hotel accommodation for two nights. There will be an English interpreter. Upon request, additional field/farm visits could be organised (arable and/or livestock), including to the nearby HATTAT tractor factory.

Participants will arrive on May 8th and stay for two nights. Confirmed ‘big name’ exhibitors include Bayer, BASF, SumiAgro, Adama, alongside domestic names. Find more information here:

If you are interested in being added to the invitation list please send an e-mail to the IFAJ Global Office by April 6th.

IFAJ, International