RFA Ethanol Podcast

NCBA Recognizes Arizona Ranch for Environmental Stewardship

Carrie Muehling

A third generation Arizona rancher is working hard to leave his ranch land better than he found it for the next generation. The Jim O’Haco Cattle Company is this year’s winner of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association National Environmental Stewardship Award, presented during this year’s Cattle Industry Convention in Phoenix. O’Haco owns two ranches totaling nearly 90,000 acres.

“We have improved profitability, our bottom line, our calves are heavier, and we also have helped the environment and natural resources. We have increased wildlife on our ranch, as far as elk, antelope and other species. So it’s worked for both, for the range, the land and my business,” said O’Haco.

O’Haco said getting water to the cattle and wildlife on the ranch has been a top priority. In addition to running pipeline throughout the land, smaller changes have helped to maintain and increase wildlife populations on the ranch.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Jim O’Haco here: Jim O'Haco, NCBA National Environmental Stewardship Award Winner

2018 Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show Photo Album

Ag Groups, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Environment, NCBA, Sustainability