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Delaro™ Fungicide Ready to Work for Growers in 2018

Cindy Zimmerman

*POST UPDATED with grower interview*

Bayer’s new Delaro™ fungicide for corn and soybeans was put to the test by growers this past season in 500 field trials across 20 states and passed with flying colors by providing broad-spectrum disease control, dual mode of action residual and improved plant health.

“Disease pressure was inconsistent across the country this year, meaning some growers were caught unprepared,” said Thorsten Schwindt, Bayer corn and soybean fungicides product manager. “Growers need a tool that controls the worst yield robbing diseases and helps them get the most out of their corn hybrids and soybean varieties.”

Randy Myers, fungicides portfolio manager, explained that the extended performance growers see from Delaro is a result of both its triazole and strobilurin components working through the entire application interval to provide better performance and manage resistance. “We designed Delaro to be different from what is currently in the marketplace,” said Myers. “We now have residual activity all the way through the spring interval.”

Delaro has received EPA label approval and will be available for the upcoming season. For more information about Delaro observations in their area, growers can talk to their local Bayer representatives and retailers. To learn more, visit

Learn more in this interview with Schwindt and Myers: Interview with Thorsten Schwindt and Randy Myers, Bayer

Dan Durick of McClleland, Iowa, a former national NCGA yield contest winner, participated in the Delaro trial this season because he likes to try cutting-edge products and is always looking to outdo his yield from the year before. “Where we applied Delaro versus another product, I feel Delaro did a better job for us,” said Durick, who had 40- to 50-mile-per-hour winds a few weeks before harvest. “Where we sprayed Delaro I feel the plant health was quite a bit better and withstood the winds for us, so we were pretty happy with that.”

Listen to Dan tell his story about using Delaro this season: Interview with Dan Durick, Iowa farmer

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Crop Protection, Fungicide, Soybean