2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Premier Crop Systems Receives Capital Investment

Kelly Marshall

Premier Crop Systems has focused on providing agronomic decision support to growers with prescription rates for 19 years. Now a new partnership with Syngenta Venture is offering the company the opportunity and accelerate Enhanced Learning Blocks, a breakthrough system to validate the prescriptions used in a grower’s field.

The data is randomized and replicable, opening up the possibility of scientific experimentation on a field level. At the recent Info Ag event in St. Louis, Missouri, Premier Crop Systems shared results with their customers. Data from the 2016 trials showed that the ideal nitrogen application in a field can vary as much as 80 pounds and ideal planting rates can change by 13,000 seeds in a single field as well. That’s big money for growers, Frieberg points out.

“I think the biggest take away is crop production is expensive.” Frieberg shares. “There’s a lot of inputs and managing those inputs more precisely and having a trial system to build local, complex knowledge is really what we think is important and what we think is the future.”

Learn more about Premier Crop Systems and their new minority partnership in Cindy’s full interview with Frieberg here: Interview with Dan Frieberg, Premier Crop Systems

2017 InfoAg Conference Photo Album

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Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John Deere Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by CropTrak
AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag, Nutrient Management