2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Introducing the SMART Farmer Podcast

Cindy Zimmerman

We are pleased to introduce the very first SMART Farmer podcast which features interviews with the people who use data and technology to be more sustainable and to help build a smarter version of the American farm and ranch.

In this first episode, U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance CEO Randy Krotz talks about how people can relate to the SMART Farm concept – just like a smart phone or a smart home. Then we visit with Katie Brenny from the recent Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show to find out how she and her husband use the latest technology to produce beef more sustainably on their operation in Minnesota.

Listen to the first podcast:
SMART Farmer Podcast with Katie Brenny

Subscribe to the SMART Farmer podcast

Audio, Podcasts, Technology, USFRA