RFA Ethanol Podcast

#AFBF17 Starts Founders Award

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) instituted a new award at the 2017 Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show in Phoenix this week – the Farm Bureau Founders Award to recognize exemplary leadership, service or contributions to Farm Bureau by officers or employees of AFBF and state Farm Bureau organizations.

The first honoree of the new award is James Quinn, who was the first president of the very first Farm Bureau in the country – Broome County, New York, founded in 1911 “for the purpose of extending the science of agriculture.” A prominent local dairy farmer, Quinn set an important precedent for the Farm Bureau being directed by farmers and for farmers. Accepting the posthumous award on behalf of Quinn were New York Farm Bureau president David Fisher, and Judy Whittaker with the Broome County Farm Bureau.

2017 AFBF annual meeting photos