2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Company Culture Can Greatly Influence Productivity

Joanna Schroeder

why-company-culture-mattersAuthor Maggie Hammond, special to AgWired

More and more companies – including many agriculture companies big and small – are realizing the importance of having a strong and positive company culture. A good company culture can turn employees into brand ambassadors, improve productivity and create a pleasant working environment for everyone involved in the business. Washington State University compiled a very good set of insights on corporate culture, explaining how it can greatly influence productivity.

Employees who are happy with the company’s culture are more likely to be up to 70% more productive. They also have better chances of improving themselves for the benefit of the business, including by taking online MBA programs and other courses to improve their skills. More importantly, being in a suitable environment can help boost employees’ level of initiatives and creative thinking.

The same set of studies also reveal how being in line with the company’s culture can help employees serve customers better. You can find out more about Why Company Culture Matters from the published infographic by Washington State University’s MBA program. Click here to view the full infographic.

*Maggie Hammond is a retired nurse and freelance writer, exploring and writing in the U.S. in retirement. An advocate for public health and nursing qualifications, she feels passionate about raising awareness of the current strain on public health organizations.

Agribusiness, Education